Power tools sales rise for Makita

Net sales grew 11.6% for Makita in Q2 (three months ending 30 June 2017). Sales reached 113,064 million yen, up from 101,276 million yen in Q2 2016, like-for-like. Makita noted gradually recovering economies in developed countries – and uncertainties around the “international political situation and policies”. However, emerging countries saw their economies steadily grow on […]
IN-DEPTH: Makita on the shift from mains to cordless power tools

Makita UK is celebrating 45 years in the British professional power tool market this year. The company, one of the market leaders, has seen some core changes over nearly half a century and gives Torque its perspective on the shift to cordless… In 1972 nearly every tool in Makita UK’s inventory was mains powered with […]