
The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), recently published its forward-looking pipeline which contains projections of over £600bn of investment over the next decade.

Supported by Barbour ABI, the National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline (NICP) provides a single source of data for both government and the private sector on future infrastructure projects, designed to bring certainty and confidence for investors and helping businesses to plan for future skills and resource needs. You can access the document here.

Highlights from the latest National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline report, published late November, include:

  • Over £600 billion projects public and private investment over the next 10 years
  • Over £400 billion of planned projects, programmes and other investments in the pipeline, including around £190 billion to be invested by 2020/2021
  • Nearly 700 projects, programmes and other investments in the pipeline
  • Over 4,900 public and private infrastructure projects successfully delivered since 2010
  • 98% of the long-term national priority infrastructure projects since 2010 have been completed or are on track to deliver

Simon Lawrence, Programme Director, Major Infrastructure Tracking said: “There is over £600 billion of projected investment in the pipeline of both public and private investment over the next 10 years. We hope our annual infrastructure and construction pipeline will give industry the certainty that there is great appetite to develop infrastructure and will encourage the sector to invest in the right technology, modern methods of construction and skills to meet this demand.”

For the last six years, construction intelligence specialist Barbour ABI has worked with the government on the Pipeline and presenting the data in new and interactive ways that make it more accessible for industry and the public. Barbour ABI has proven data collection processes and existing knowledge in researching, tracking and publishing construction projects making them well placed to work with the IPA on this publication.

Group Director of Construction Industry Analysts Barbour ABI, Simon Mahoney said: “Having won a renewed competitive tender to produce the construction pipeline last year for the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), we look forward to continue helping the industry plan for the future with over £600 billion of investment already underway and upcoming by 2028. As industry leaders and experts in construction intelligence, we will be leveraging our existing knowledge and industry relationships to continue presenting a strong and resilient pipeline to the broadest possible audience within the built environment.”