IN DEPTH: Dr Martens blasts ‘shrink it & pink it’ approach to women’s PPE

Women having to stuff tissue into the toes of workboots to make them fit is clearly a hazardous and ridiculous state of affairs for the industrial footwear sector to be in. Happily, a number of brands are remedying the situation, including Dr. Martens… How many women, out shopping for a new wardrobe for the office, would venture into […]
Snickers owner Hultafors buys PPE firm Hellberg Safety

Hultafors Group has agreed to acquire fellow Swedish firm Hellberg Safety AB, based in Stenkullen. The acquisition is part of Hultafors Group’s strategy to broaden its portfolio in the PPE sector. Hellberg is a specialised supplier of hearing protection, face protection and communication solutions for personal protection purposes. Founded in Sweden in 1962, the company […]