
US physicists discover super-tough metal four times harder than titanium

Titanium and gold have been melted together to form a metal four time harder than titanium, reports the BBC. Revealed in the Science Advances journal, the US physicists who discovered the alloy say applications for Ti³Au (titanium-gold) include medical implants such as hip joints, as well as the drilling industry, sporting goods and many other fields. The […]

New plasterboard fixing holds 245kg and is up for a Travis Perkins award

Select Product’s BladeFixer has been shortlisted for an Innovation Award from Travis Perkins Group. The plasterboard fixing is pitched as the world’s first to hold a whopping 245kg (38 stone) in shear tests and 85kg (13 stone) tension tests (on 15mm board), independently tested and varified by the Building Research Establishment. According to the brand, […]