HECO fixes up new website

Screw specialist Heco has revamped its website at www.heco-schrauben.de. Featuring a refreshing design making full use of pictures, the new website has improved, intuitive menu navigation and a responsive web design that adapts to the screens of smartphones or tablets. Other features include an optimised download area and retailers, planners and craftsmen can now find […]
FOCUS: Wood, chipboard and decking screws

Torque assembles a selection of fasteners tailored for timber, including new lines and merchandisers from Reisser, Eurotec, HECO and Stafa. Eurotec For timber-frame construction joints, Eurotec’s KonstruX ST fully threaded screws maximise a joint‘s load-bearing capacity with a high thread-extraction resistance in both components – partially threaded screws can reduce the joint‘s load-bearing capacity by the […]