
Industry Q&A: Sally Matthews, Managing Director at Performance Fasteners

How did you get started in the fastener industry? Torque Magazine shoots this and more quick-fire questions at Sally Matthews, the Managing Director of Performance Fasteners – published online on the eve of BIAFD’s Annual General Meeting recognising the contribution of women to the UK and Irish fastener distribution industry…  How long have you been […]



Spring General Meeting sees record attendance with expectations that the next meeting will grow again – and the industry reports on a positive start to 2017… The British & Irish Association of Fastener Distributors welcomed a record number of members to its Spring General Meeting on 18 May in Stratford upon Avon. Seventy-five representatives from Irish and UK fastener distributors […]

COMMENT: ‘EU import licensing burdens fastener importers’

The European Commission has conflated fasteners with the steel crisis for political expediency and dismally failed to demonstrate proper accountability or consideration for the businesses involved, says the BIAFD. The result is an unacceptable administrative and cost burden on fasteners importers dedicated to servicing UK manufacturing and construction… On 29th April the European Commission published Regulation 2016/670, requiring importers of most steel […]