

Didn’t make it to the UK’s meeting point for the fastener, tool, fixing and related industries? Then read on for a round-up of Torque-Expo 2024…


Torque­-Expo 2024 connected more visitors and more exhibitors than ever before this May. As well as showcasing an even greater depth and variety of quality exhibitors than the last show in 2022, there was greater emphasis on sharing industry knowledge and insights through an extended seminar programme featuring prestigious speakers, as well as the return of the Torque­-Expo Awards, celebrating the achievements of the industry. Back at the Telford International Centre, Torque­-Expo 2024 saw an increase in the number of visitor registrations before the show and growth in the number of visitors who came through the doors for the one­-day event. While the show is largely focused on the UK market and occupies a unique position in this way, there was significant growth in the number of international visitors flying in for the fastener, tool, fixing and related industries show.
Exhibitor numbers were up on 2022, including the biggest fastener wholesalers in the UK alongside other industry stalwarts. Up­-and­-coming fastener companies attended too, as did some big names from the industrial tool and related industries. Visitor feedback from the 2022 show informed the evolution of the show, with stakeholders in favour of sticking to the one-day expo and networking evening format. This structure once again proved popular, providing a condensed trade show and networking sessions, minimising time and costs for businesses out of the office. Likewise, the decision to stick with the venue in Telford, in the West Midlands heartland of the UK fastener industry, proved popular with exhibitors and visitors.

Torque­-Expo 2024’s seminar programme combined technical presentations of new products alongside key insights into common challenges and trends in the industry, featuring top level contributors like Mike Tuffy, Optimas CEO International. The day was rounded off with the more­popular­than­ever Networking Evening, sponsored by Optimas, which included the Torque-­Expo Awards as well as live music, food and drink in an informal session to maximise networking opportunities. “It was great to welcome the industry back to Torque-­Expo,” said Show Director Jerry Ramsdale. “With more visitors at the show and the Networking Evening, it was a pleasure to grow and evolve the event. We thank all exhibitors, visitors and those who supported the show and can’t wait to do it all again!”
As part of a support package to reward and provide further value to exhibitors for taking part in the show, Torque Magazine is offering extended editorial support in the coming months. Exhibitors can contact Editor Jonathon Harker
(jonathon@torque­ and Deputy Editor Rachel King (rachel@torque­ for more details. With the doors now closed on Torque-­Expo 2024, plans are being put in place for the next show. For some early insights into the plans, contact