
Bosch has gonged SFS with its “Crazy for SuCCess” award, for the second time.

The award recognised SFS as a “most valuable and loyal supplier”. It was one of six awards given to more than 1,000 suppliers that Bosch does business with in its Chassis Systems Control Division.

Bosch is a long-standing, key customer of SFS Group for whom it develops, manufactures and delivers ready-to-fit components, for example for ABS systems. These components meet demanding technical specifications and are produced in high quantities at competitive prices, said SFS.

This year’s award ceremony was held at Bosch’s Blaichach factory in Germany and Jens Breu, CEO of SFS Group, was invited to participate in a panel discussion there. The main topics discussed were innovation and technology challenges in today’s markets, supplier agility during project execution, and the steadily growing business complexity.

SFS also took the opportunity to inform Bosch managers about its latest innovative developments and its new production platform in China, underscoring its commitment to seek success in collaboration with the customer.