
NMBS has gained independent recognition of its progressive employment practices by securing Investors in People Gold certification.

Investors in People Gold is held by only a select number of employers in the UK, second only to Investors in People Platinum status.

In order to achieve Investors in People Gold, NMBS was assessed in an external audit across a number of areas and methods, including employee interviews and observations. The assessors measured working practices and outcomes in terms of three key goals – leading, supporting and improving.

Assessors looked for evidence of people management that met nine different criteria: leading and inspiring people; living an organisation’s values; empowering and involving people; managing performance; recognising and rewarding high performance; structuring work; building capability; delivering continuous improvement; and creating sustainable success. NMBS secured Investors in People Gold by being able to demonstrate established and developed practices in all of these nine areas and advanced practices in at least seven of them.

“The entire team at NMBS is absolutely delighted that we have achieved the high standards demanded by Investors in People Gold status,” said NMBS MD Chris Hayward. “As a business, our people and our wider culture set us apart and are instrumental in our success. So much of what we do is about the team we employ, their knowledge and their commitment to quality as well as their ability to build strong relationships with both our members and suppliers alike. The accreditation reflects our genuine appreciation of our workforce and our dedication to their on-going career satisfaction, well-being and continued professional development.” 

The gold accreditation reflects NMBS’ longstanding recognition of the value of its team and builds on the buying society’s previous Investors in People Accredited status which it has held since 1995.