
The UK-based National Merchant Buying Society (NMBS) has appointed Jeremy Miller as its new non-executive chairman. 

A qualified chartered accountant, Miller brings a wealth of financial experience having worked in the City for over 35 years.

This has included time spent as an auditor with KPMG before moving to a major stockbroker and later investment banks and financial advisory firms. His career has also included a two-year secondment to The Takeover Panel. In addition, Miller has substantial experience gained in a number of key non-exec roles – including serving as chairman and a non-executive director at a major housebuilder and contractor. His track record and expertise make him an ideal candidate to help steer the NMBS board and to play a part in driving the business forward during what continue to be exciting times for the buying society, NMBS said. 

NMBS Managing Director Chris Hayward said: “It is great to welcome such a strong appointment to our management board. I am sure Jeremy’s vast financial experience and knowledge will prove a real asset to the business and will enable him to provide excellent leadership and governance to the board at NMBS.

“The whole team is looking forward to working with Jeremy on the many key initiatives we already have underway to drive even greater success for our members and suppliers.”