
Dr. Wolfgang Scheiding has been elected Chairman of the German fastener industry association, Deutscher Schraubenverband e.V. (DSV).

Dr Scheiding is currently Chairman of KAMAX Group’s automotive section (since early 2016). 

He has a long standing involvement with DSV, for over two decades: As a postgraduate, he was scientific assistant in the research department, which is maintained by the DSV at the Technical University of Darmstadt/Germany. Postdoctoral, during his first years working with KAMAX, he played a part in the DSV’s technical committees.

Dr. Scheiding is particularly focused on training and development. The DSV offers fastener technical training once a year, for up to 40 people. An academy is under consideration, which if established would offer more participants a professional qualification in fastener specialist engineering, for fastener specialist technicians or fastener experts.

Alongside Italy’s fastener industry association, DSV is keen to lead the way on international cooperation and is a member of the European Industrial Fasteners Institute (EIFI), the association of fastener manufacturing industry in Europe.