
Gedore has launched a new generation of LDA cordless screwdriver, promising more power from lighter tools.

Depending on the version, the ba­sic model of­fers a torque range of 500 to 6000 N·m with a weight of 3.5 to 7.8 kg (no re­ac­tion arm).

Torque is freely ad­justable with a strong drive pro­vided by the highly ef­fi­cient, fast, brush­less mo­tor via a 2-gear drive and strong 18 V lithium-ion recharge­able bat­tery. The bat­tery works at a con­sis­tent peak per­for­mance un­til it is com­pletely dis­charged and the screwdrivers are made from lightweight high performance aluminium.

Torque of up to 13,000 N·m

The 36V recharge­able bat­tery offers up to 223 watt hours and mi­cro­proces­sor elec­tron­ics, allowing the screw­driver – with brush­less tech­nol­ogy – to achieve a “hith­erto un­equalled” torque of up to 13,000 N·m in a sin­gle gear.

For max­i­mum pre­ci­sion, the LDA So­lu­tion has an op­ti­cal and an acoustic zero-er­ror strat­egy: A sun­light-friendly dig­i­tal coloured dis­play shows the en­tire work­ing se­quence vi­su­ally and an acoustic sig­nal is given when the pre-set value is reached.

With the screwdrivers, users can store bolt­ing op­er­a­tion as­sign­ments with the op­tional Mod­ule QS, which can be down­loaded via USB in­ter­face. Another op­tion is the doc­u­men­ta­tion of more than 10,000 bolt­ing con­nec­tions us­ing the TRACK mod­ule. The LDA So­lu­tion is de­liv­ered with a se­lec­table module for doc­u­men­ta­tion. Gedore has ad­vices on a suit­able so­lu­tions for every sin­gle ap­pli­ca­tion.

“The data trans­mis­sion of all bolt­ing op­er­a­tion as­sign­ments of each work­ing day hap­pens via USB in­ter­face fault­lessly and com­plete,” said Marco Bruhns, Sub­sidiary Man­ager with GEDORE Torque So­lu­tions. “Both LDA high torque cord­less screw­drivers are ab­solutely in­dus­try 4.0 suit­able and ful­fil the re­quire­ments ac­cord­ing to VDI/​VDE 2862.”

Maximum precision and safety

Torque is freely ad­justable and screw con­nec­tions are made with a re­peat pre­ci­sion of +/- ​3 per­cent, with an in­di­vid­ual test cer­tifi­cate for every sin­gle ma­chine.

Featuring er­gonomic han­dles, the drive unit can be ro­tated by 360°.