
On March 10  seventy years ago, Fabory served its first customers as a wholesale trader in fasteners. Like then, most of these products are sold to professional users under the brand name Fabory.

The company has issued a press statement to celebrate the milestone, which we’ve reproduced below:

“The company now offers the highest number of fasteners of any fastener business in Europe, 90,000 and its secret may well be the way it has adapted over the years to continue to meet the needs of its customers and help make them successful.

During these 70 years of business Fabory has established a presence in 11 European countries, growing from one location in the Dutch coastal town of Scheveningen to more than 80 locations throughout Europe today. More than 1100 team members are now serving customers with more than 200,000 different products and convenient services. These days the company doesn’t just sell fasteners anymore, but all products and services closely related to fasteners as well, such as tools, safety products, industrial products, and managed inventory solutions, to meet more customers’ needs.

Quality is Key

What hasn’t changed in all these years is Fabory’s commitment to quality. Products are carefully sourced from international suppliers who undergo intense auditing before Fabory decides to take on their products. Incoming fasteners undergo strict quality controls in the company’s in-house independently a2la accredited laboratory to guarantee that Fabory’s high standards are met. Technical experts also help customers select the best quality fastener for their job, or a cost-effective alternative, and advise on its application. Using the right fastening in the correct way helps achieve a better result and saves costs by getting it right the first time.

Meeting the Needs of Customers

No business can exist and thrive for 70 years unless it proves able to meet its customers’ needs. For Fabory this has meant continuously keeping up with new developments, both technological and commercial. Fabory’s acquisition by W.W. Grainger, Inc. in 2011 opened up a whole new range of fastener related products to Fabory customers and the larger scale meant pricing improved as well. It also provided the company with access to valuable online expertise. Fabory recently invested in a new online platform which makes searching for the right product among the many thousands that are available easier than ever before. Customers can buy their products online, order from a visiting seller or by phone, or pick them up in one of the local shops in the countries throughout Europe where Fabory does business. The company is also able to help customers achieve substantial cost savings by optimizing their procurement and logistic processes using quick and easy ecommerce and logistical services.

Mr. Ronald Baarslag, Fabory’s Vice President & General Manager is proud of Fabory and its team members, past and present: “Looking at our company today, we have so many things to be proud of: our knowledgeable team members, our excellent infrastructure, our extensive and high quality product range, our technical know-how, and our customers who do the most amazing work with the products we provide. I am very confident that the next 70 years will bring further success for Fabory.””