
Bulten is preparing to change CEO by 2019, at the latest, due to the retirement of Tommy Andersson.

Andersson, also President of Bulten AB, will be 65 in 2018 and has informed the Board that he wishes to carry on in the role for a period after the usual retirement age of 65 years. The Board is positive about this and has reached an agreement that he will remain in his post until further notice, although at the latest by the time of the 2019 Annual General Meeting.

The board will now start to recruit for his successor.

Tommy Andersson took over as head of the then division Bulten at Finnveden Group in 2001 and as CEO in 2014.

He said: “I have had the privilege of developing Bulten to a market leading position as a Full Service Provider of fasteners to the automotive industry.”

Ulf Liljedahl, Chairman of the Board, said: “Bulten has had a strong development under the leadership of Tommy and the Board is very pleased that he has chosen to remain as President and CEO for another period. It gives us the best conditions for finding and phasing in his successor.”