
Dr Daniel Bossard is to succeed current CEO David Dean at Bossard Group.

David Dean announced he would step down after 15 years as CEO, leaving in April 2019. His association with the company will continue – his election to the Board of Directors will be petitioned at the 2019 AGM.

After considering candidates external and internal, the Board of Directors unanimously elected Dr Daniel Bossard to move into the role in 2019. Dr Bossard has held a variety of senior management positions within the Bossard Group since 2000.

The future CEO holds a degree in business administration and a doctorate (Dr. oec. HSG) with a dissertation on technology management. Dr Daniel Bossard’s professional experience takes in the fields of innovation, e-business and information technology. He joined the Bossard Group in 2000 as Director of E-business. Prior to that, he was a consultant at Accenture. From 2003 to 2006, he was GM of Bossard Denmark A/S in Copenhagen. From 2006 to 2008, he spearheaded the realignment of the sales strategies and the development of international customer relations in the Bossard Group. In the seven-member Executive Committee, Dr. Daniel Bossard has been responsible for the Northern and Eastern Europe market regions since 2009. Under his leadership, the company has achieved above-average sales growth and outstanding profitability in these countries.

David Dean’s spell in charge has seen Bossard Group grow steadily, significantly improve profitability and consolidate its market position in all major sales regions, Bossard said. The press statement added: “The Board is looking forward to working with David Dean in the future and continuing to benefit from his wealth of executive and leadership skills. His nomination to the Board of Directors is a clear sign that the long-term Group strategy targeting profitable growth will be maintained in the future.”