
Bosch Power Tools is splashing out 35 million euros to significantly expand its Leinfelden location, near Stuttgart.

The division HQ will get a new office building, with over 14,000 sq meters of office space over six floors as well as an underground parking garage. This new building will provide space for around 600 employees who have been working in other buildings. The construction work is expected to be finished mid-2018.

Bosch Power Tools division HQ is home to development, sales, marketing and administration, as well as part of production – power tools for professionals, especially large Bosch hammers and angle grinders, are manufactured in Leinfelden. A total of approximately 1,700 employees work at the location.

“We will establish a state-of-the-art working environment in this new building in order to promote creativity and cross-functional cooperation”, said Henning von Boxberg, President of the Bosch Power Tools Division.


Bosch Power Tools' new HQ in Leinfelden

Bosch Power Tools’ new HQ in Leinfelden

Ecological considerations have been taken into account with the new building; The sanitary facilities will use rainwater, LED lighting will be controlled by occupancy and movement sensors so lights are only on when personnel are present and when there’s not sufficient natural light. E-bike charging stations will be installed by the bicycle parking spaces and changing rooms and showers will be provided for cyclists.

Approximately half of the office space is for use for exchange and communication in order to support teamwork and project work, but the design also incorporates quiet spaces and private areas to enable employees to concentrate on individual work, Bosch said. Employees will be able to choose freely between the various types of workspace available in order to best suit their current needs.