
Action Can has revamped, refreshed and modernised the look of its range of aerosols for industry.

A number of improvements have been made to communicate key product features, including improved product text to assist the end user with product identification.

Action Can has added a ‘product feature zone’ below the illustrations, to further help communicate key features and assist in correct product selection.

On the reverse of the can, Action Can has doubled the number of languages from three to six, allowing international distributor sales, plus important safety information for non-English speakers.

The new look will be rolled out across the full Action Can range.

Crucially for stockists, there’s no need to update systems as product codes remain the same.

Updated products include:

  • AC-90
  • ZG-90
  • TF-90
  • AS-90
  • BC-90
  • CD-90
  • CT-90
  • RP-90
  • SA-90
  • SP-90

Action Can boxout