
OBO Befestigungselemente GmbH changed its name to ‘OBTEC GmbH’ from the start of this year. Here the company explains the reasoning…

It is common knowledge that OBO Bettermann has been a manufacturer of installation systems for electronic installations in buildings and plants since its founding in 1911.

However, it is probably less well known that shortly after, in 1918, fastening elements for electrical and sanitary installations were also manufactured at OBO – meaning that the company has also provided expertise in this field for a very long time.

OBO has always manufactured screws and bolts for use in its own products. In addition, welding studs were produced which have been distributed since the 1980s through the “SBS – weld stud system” business unit.

Only at the turn of the century was the production of extruded parts and customised screws added. This means that special requests, according to the customer’s own requirements and design, can be produced from a quantity upwards of 50,000. The application technicians ensure that the cold forming process is the right one for a specific component.

“It is particularly the area of cold forming that is expanding enormously, and we will focus on this area also in the future,” says Sales Manager Stephan Wennrich. In order to stay flexible, the complete SBS unit was spun off as an independent company. This step has proved to be the right one, as over the years the company has become increasingly successful and international. The firm added that it wants to strengthen and expand its position further in the market. To achieve this, a  company name that is understandable everywhere is essential. Andreas Bettermann, OBO Bettermann Group CEO, explains: “When you produce technical parts, the company name, too, has to sound technical. Particularly in English-speaking regions, we noticed that our clients had difficulties with the original name. This is one of the main reasons we decided to find a new, more  memorable one.”

The name OBTEC is derived from the two words OBO and “Technik” (technology), summing up what the company stands for. Having 50 members of staff gives OBTEC the huge benefits of both speed and flexibility. OBTEC General Manager Andreas Wiggerich says: “We really do have the ideal set-up: on the one hand, we are extremely flexible when it comes to dealing with customer requests; and on the other, we have the support of a large organisation behind us. This makes us like a speed boat which moors in a safe harbour.”

The new name reflects that confident statement and is a logical step in the direction of global expansion, says OBTEC.