
Since they started working with OGL 19 years ago, fastener business Martyn Price has made gains through digitising processes. OGL explains more…

The decision to digitalise the business began in 2000 when Martyn Price decided to invest in prof.ITplus to help streamline the business and move away from manual processes.

Martyn Price told us that: “the front end and sales modules of prof.ITplus really stood out for us. The system would allow us to be more proactive which was something we were aiming for. We had demonstrations from another provider, but in the end OGL was the right match for our business.”

It’s important to understand your company’s goals and aims before investing in an ERP system. You need to know that the software can drive your business forward and contribute to its success.

For Martyn Price, they knew that they had to become more efficient to continue to grow: “We wanted to streamline our processes and we achieved this through prof.ITplus.” Keeping documents digitally is much more efficient; it takes away the time-consuming and often, error prone manual methods of working that can hold your business back.

For example, if you keep hard copies of all your customer documents and rely on staff to keep each record up-to-date, there is an increased chance that information will go missing. Digitising customer documents and storing them in a CRM system improves visibility and accuracy. Customer accounts  will remain organised and up-to-date, which will improve efficiency as well as your customer service. Martyn Price proves that a CRM can help businesses sell more effectively, they explain that: “The ability to see all our customer driven information quickly has helped make the business more efficient. You can access pricing information instantly whilst talking to customers over the phone which helps us sell our products.”

If your goal is to streamline your business and go digital, research what ERP solutions will work for your company and your industry to drive your business forward.

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Martyn Price recently saw an MBO, with Gary MacAuley taking the firm over, having headed it for over a decade.